Nih Sob Penjelasan Tentang Player Role di Master League PES 2016

Nih Sob Penjelasan Tentang Player Role di Master League PES 2016 – Sob yang sudah main Master League di PES 2016 pasti sudah tahu ada player role di sana. Apa itu player roles ? Player roles merupakan sebuah title atau gelar yang diberikan kepada pemain di sebuah tim

Title tersebut menjelaskan tentang kemampuan fisik dan mental mereka, sekaligus bisa mempercepat performance tiap pemain atau tim secara keseluruhan.

Ada beberapa jenis player role di Master League PES 2016, perkembangan atau penurunan tingkatan title tergantung cara sob memainkan pemain. Meskipun demikian, ada banyak juga pemain yang tidak berubah titlenya, seperti David De Gea yang mendapat title Maestro.

Penjelasan Tentang Player Role di Master League PES 2016

Youth Prospect: Players with this role will receive more EXP per match, rapidly levelling and improving quicker.Protégé: More experience and team affinity increased.
Protege : Players with this role gain more EXP in games and see their affinity for team instruction boosted.

Star Player: Players with this role see sales of their merchandise increase.

Superstar: Players with this role see sales of their merchandise increase.

Leader: Players with this role see their condition boosted by a factor of one in derbies and other key games.

General: Players with this role boost the condition of certain players around them, and if made captain there's less player tiredness throughout the team.
Maestro: Players with this role gain more EXP from the weekly training you set them.

Grand Master: Players with this role receive all the benefits of Maestros, as well as boosting EXP gained by teammates if made captain.

Bandiera: Players with this role are loyal to the team and have been for years. Their reward is all of the effects of Superstars, Generals, and Grand Masters in one package.

Legend: Players with this role receive all the benefits of Superstars, Generals, and Grand Masters, while also granting a teammate development bonus.

Star = Youth Player = Maestro = Leader. Sebenarnya semua ini satu level, tapi beda beda efeknya. Jangan salah artikan kalau Maestro itu pasti level tinggi dibanding yang lain

Youth Player >>> Protege >>> Bandiera >>> Legend
Star Player >>> Superstar >>> Bandiera >>> Legend
Leader >>> General >>> Bandiera >>> Legend
Mestro >>> Grand Master >>> Bandiera >>> Legend

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