Cara Mengatasi PES 2015 yang Error dan Tidak Jalan

Cara Mengatasi PES 2015 yang Error dan Tidak Jalan – Saat menjalankan PES 2015, ada beberapa masalah yang biasa muncul. Seperti error, crash atau yang lain, yang pasti PES 2015 sob tidak bisa dimainkan.

Untuk mengtasi masalah tersebut, sob perlu perhatikan kalimat atau peringatan yang muncul di layar. Sebab dari situ, sob bisa temukan solusinya. Di bawah ini akan dishare beberapa jenis peringatan atau pemberitahuan yang sering muncul saat menjalankan PES 2015.

“PES2015.exe – Entry Point Not Found”

Cara Mengatasi PES 2015 yang Error dan Tidak Jalan

Masalah ini biasanya muncul pada Win 8.1 atau Win x64 yang sudah pakai dx 11 dan menggunakan Sweet FX (Baca : Download SweetFX untuk PES 2015 yang Recommended). Untuk mengatasinya, sob bisa menggunakan cara ini.

Cari di windows/system32 dan copykan d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll kedalam PES 2015 folder. Seperti gambar di bawah ini.

Cara Mengatasi PES 2015 yang Error dan Tidak Jalan

“PES2015.exe - application error (0xc000007b)”

1. Download uninstaller software. KLIK DISINI
2. Jalankan lalu ketik “visual” di sudut kanan atas.

PES2015.exe - application error (0xc000007b)

3. Tunggu, nanti akan ada pesan untuk uninstall.
4. Pilih “Powerful scan”

PES2015.exe - application error (0xc000007b)

5. Gunakan CCleaner untuk hapus semua file sampah dan registry.
6. Restart PC
7. Instal Microsoft Visual C++ dari 2005 sampai yang terakhir. Jangan lupa untuk install juga Direct X yang terbaru.

“PES2015.exe is not responding”

1. Uninstall video game and then delete / clean registry
2. Update your video graphics driver
3. Update sound / audio driver

“PES2015.exe has stopped working error”

1. Try to uninstall video game and install it again.!
2. Try to install video game Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 with antivirus turned off.

“Installed video device does not support DirectX 11 features”

1. If your device is a Laptop / Notebook / Ultrabook, you have to "tell" your video card to run the game .
2. You need to download latest graphics driver for your video card model, then uninstall current driver, then use driver cleaner to clean it, and only after you can install new updated driver and you can play video game.

Sporadic crashes on level load/unload

1. Scan your operating system and fix errors
2. Download and install gaming prerequisites.
3. Download and install this (game framework and directx)
4. If by doing all these, Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 still crashing on level loading, try to uninstall game
Then install Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 video game again...normaly.

frequent freezing and instability during the game

Frequent freezing, game crashes to desktop, black screen when play the game, graphics spikes, stuttering, video lag, freeze and no smooth gameplay ..etc are some problems that can be solved rather easily if you know what to do, and i will tell you how to fix some of these. You need to update your video graphics driver (learn here how) and then be sure that you have installed all gaming prerequisites from above for Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 and for all PC video games.
It is very important to update your video card driver !! see above details.
Now, Download and install these:
1. Vcredists - Updated versions
All right, now you need to download and install latest directx and gaming framework:
2. Download Get - DirectX and Framework

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