PES 2019 English Commentary Callname Pack V3

PES 2019 English Commentary Callname Pack V3 – Berikut fitur English Commentary Callname pack V3 untuk PES 2019 dari Predator002.

– Contains new player/team additions
– Adds extra situational variety to loads of players

New Teams:

Argentina – San Martin de Tucuman
Belgium – Cercle Brugge
Brazil – Ceara
Brazil – Parana
Chile – Union La Calera
France – Beziers
France – Grenoble Foot 38
Scotland – Livingston
New Players:

125840 Aaron Smith
126499 Abdou Ndiaye
109299 Aboubakar
108135 Adam Phillips
113731 Adelcio Varela
110271 Ademir
126638 Agustin Ramirez
125045 Alejandro Henriquez
125884 Aleksandar Radovanovic
125835 Alex Garcia
106353 Alex Silva
124663 Alexander Bah
126185 Alfie Jones
126536 Alfio Oviedo
102667 Ali Sowe
126684 Ameth Camara
125057 Anderson Cruz
106434 Anderton
120077 Andres Alvarez
122694 Andres Felipe Reyes
113096 Andres Ponce
125396 Andrew Hughes
100279 Antonio Dominguez
112042 Arial Mendy
125674 Ariel Caceres
106614 Arthur Melo
262201 Baggio
59537 Baia
60781 Baiano
44142 Baiano Souza Carneiro
42007 Balta
46733 Baptista
114049 Barco
120420 Benjamin Hansen
112945 Benjamin Williams
125094 Bireme Diouf
120062 Bismar Cordoba
34957 Bocchetti
262199 Bogarde
126049 Boubakary Diarra
124261 Brayan Cordoba
126506 Brent Gabriel
116403 Brewster
58705 Bruno Brigido
119530 Bruno Morgado
110641 Bulut
126229 C Herrera
124965 Cagatay Yilmaz
44543 Caicara
108348 Cal Roberts
126246 Callum Morrison
118204 Callum Roberts
106254 Camilo Perez
126145 Cammy Clark
122337 Carlos Agustin Moreno
43923 Carlos Nunez
126149 Carlos Vinicius
120021 Carmelo Valencia
118725 Carrique
61466 Cesar Alexander Quintero
125675 Cesar Pizarro
126496 Cheick Oumar Doucoure
126302 Chong
125827 Clark Robertson
126644 Clement Vidal
111140 Collins
101719 Conceicao
115652 Connor Roberts
121423 Conor Hazard
102507 Couto
125307 Craig Henderson
121353 Cristian Nunez
118136 Dalot
126002 Daniel Christensen
35456 Danilson Cordoba
125713 Danny Johnson
126308 Danny Marcos Perez
109605 David Murillo
101367 Deni Milosevic
126580 Denilson Palacios
109250 Di Livio
121951 Diego Arias
126278 Diego Moreno
126378 Diego Palacios
105327 Diego Sosa
120205 Diego Valdes Giraldo
126649 Dorian Bertrand
125793 Drey Wright
125400 Ederson Moreno
126375 Eduardo Antonio Montenegro
126838 Edwin Lopez
3981 El Kaddouri
126348 Elian Ariel Munoz
115008 Elias Martello Curzel
38801 Elm
126249 Enrique
120929 Eric Smith
126462 Esteban Gomez
114399 Ethan Robson
125116 Everton Goncalves Saturnino
46095 Fabio Szymonek
102248 Famoussa Kone
121357 Fausto Vera
100167 Fazio
60221 Federico Bravo
104294 Federico Rasmussen
59369 Felipe Alejandro Nunez
126336 Felix
125360 Felix Garcia
63698 Fernandinho Henrique
116694 Fernando Nunez
123554 Flo
114599 Fode Camara
109498 Fonte
126157 Francisco Garcia
110479 Franco Nicolas Perez
125280 Frank Lucas Munoz
38050 Furdjel Narsingh
33491 Gabriel Torres
46154 Gago
126700 Gaoussou Traore
123044 Gary Roberts
107387 Gaston Rodriguez
126335 Gedson Fernandes
63447 Gervasio Nunez
59508 Gilberto Garcia
126559 Giles Phillips
40752 Giovanni Moreno
46930 Graham Burke
1035 Gronkjaer
114638 Guendouzi
124545 Guilherme Oliveira
42670 Guillermo Burdisso
120500 Gustaf Nilsson
126263 Gwion Edwards
126292 Halim Terry
125381 Hamed Kone
119320 Hao
126419 Harry Wright
114023 Hart
114506 Havertz
120991 Haydar Yilmaz
109408 Heaton
118960 Hector Martinez
125362 Huntelaar
126044 Huseyin Ekici
126711 Ibrahim Diarra
43549 Ilie
125704 Innes Murray
125933 Italo Muller
61017 Ivan Ledezma
65148 Ivan Ramirez
125391 Ivan Sunjic
126705 Jaap Fischer
110425 Jacinto Monteiro
125709 Jack Hamilton
126531 Jack Lee
126115 Jacob Christensen
126076 Jacob Rasmussen
104812 Jafar Arias
40755 Jaime Cordoba
9291 Jaime Valdes
38566 Jeffren Suarez
126324 Jhon Gonzalez
119482 Joachim Van Damme
126050 Joao Mendes
106341 Joaquin Alejandro Pereyra
125281 Joel Rodriguez
125268 John Baggio
122796 Jon Nolan
125361 Jonathan Garay
126083 Jonathan Herrera
123035 Jonathan Rodriguez
101387 Jonathan Soriano
262200 Jonk
125743 Jordan Roberts
126422 Jordan Stevens
60249 Jorge Valdez
42131 Jose Ariel Nunez
110078 Josh Robson
41649 Jossymar Gomez
124988 Juan Daniel Murillo
120198 Juan David Diaz Sanchez
126585 Juan Manuel Vazquez
126463 Juan Orellana
126583 Juan Pablo Vargas Campos
126166 Jules Keita
121304 Julian Alejo Lopez
126624 Julian Alvarez
103773 Julio Gonzalez
125252 Jung Myung Oh
126437 Junior Luis Vasquez
107683 Karlo Lulic
113866 Kayden Jackson
122415 Kazim
126279 Kevin Moreno
126245 Kevin Silva
125410 Kim Kyung Min
111988 Klaassen
126326 Kongolo
63761 Kruse
125204 Kwon Dae Hee
59312 Lanzini
118856 Larry Vasquez
262202 Le Saux
126030 Leandro Fernandes Da Cunha
116042 Leandro Vargas
125602 Lee Won Jae
125540 Lee Won Young
125315 Lopes
113450 Lucas Africo
126465 Lucas Gonzalez
126389 Lucas Pellegrini
126707 Lucas Perrin
65085 Lucero Alvarez
45835 Luis Gonzalez
117376 Mads Juel Rasmussen
126690 Mamadou Gueye
102571 Manuel Murillo
112966 Marc Roberts
126068 Marcos Wilson Da Silva
126125 Mario Ramirez
101878 Martin Bravo
107553 Martins Pereira
125928 Mateo Matic
120431 Mathias Rasmussen
125283 Matias Javier Alvarez Sanchez
126407 Matias Pellegrini
126601 Matias Romero
125470 Matt Smith
126513 Max Aarons
41170 Maximiliano Nunez
126048 Maximiliano Rodriguez
125786 Maximiliano Salas
126432 Maycon Matheus Do Nascimento
114316 Mayoral
126081 Michael Howard
126325 Michael Stiven Lopez
117677 Michel Ramon
125999 Mico Kuzmanovic
43827 Miguel Angel Martinez
123481 Miguel Van Damme
35194 Mikkel Andersen
118240 Milinkovic Savic
43257 Milosevic
124434 Milton Alvarez
126202 Mohamed Ali Camara
118213 Morgado
37418 Moura
107543 Murilo
113914 Murilo Oliveira De Freitas
101250 Murray Wallace
116143 Nacho Vidal Miralles
125745 Naismith
119689 Nastic
102149 Ndoh
103806 Nemanja Petrovic
101724 Nenen
46203 Neto Volpi
59780 Nick Townsend
126254 Nicolas Adrian Gonzalez
43646 Nicolas Alejandro Rodriguez
45336 Nicolas Lopez
115910 Nicolas Nunez
125509 Niran Hansson
122276 Nunez
101279 Oliver Lee
2119 Ooijer
41347 Oswaldo Alanis
114959 Owen Evans
117778 Owens
65238 Pablo Lima
125684 Pablo Martinez Morales
126307 Pablo Palacios
126804 Pablo Pena
101034 Patrick Roberts
59693 Paul Keita
118636 Paulinho Boia
104752 Pavard
105037 Per Egil Flo
113590 Peres
41144 Petrovic
42862 Pinter
109362 Postiga
109372 Rafa Miranda
121263 Ramon
107737 Ramon Menezes Roma
37241 Ramon Motta
60769 Raphael Silva
123460 Rasmussen
126046 Reece James
102389 Remi Walter
126236 Renzo Bacchia Rodriguez
126283 Ricardo Caballero
126533 Ricardo Nogueira Rodrigues
122031 Riccardi
123081 Richard
122339 Richard Alexandre Rodrigues
118409 Richard Candido Coelho
126843 Rico
115253 Roberts
117061 Robson
121345 Robson Bambu
114501 Robson Dos Santos Fernandes
107561 Robson Januario De Paula
126733 Rodrigo Gomez
126323 Rogerio Caicedo
117497 Roman
60454 Romeu
120878 Romulo Cabral
42428 Ronaldo Alves
43477 Rondon
47884 Ruben Alejandro Ramirez
126385 Rui Pedro Oliveira Silva
103110 Ryan Edwards
126129 Ryan Patrick Nolan
57126 Salah
43074 Salif Sane
125839 Sam Kelly
126418 Sam Walker
125788 Sammy Vidal
126699 Sanasi Sy
125027 Santiago Emanuel Gonzalez
120158 Santiago Jimenez
122690 Santiago Sosa
34409 Saul
125703 Scott Martin
125355 Sebastian Ariel Munoz
125043 Sebastian Pereira
126306 Sehmus Kaya
126681 Senou Coulibaly
121961 Sepp Van Den Berg
108088 Sergio Roman
37605 Serkan
121046 Serkan Bakan
125393 Simeone
118527 Smyth
126566 Sofiane Diop
59604 Sonny Stevens
47081 Soren Henriksen
40544 Staelens
53723 Steel
120408 Steffen Rasmussen
126769 Stephen Kelly
126828 Stephen Walker
123855 Steven Murillo
45439 Stevens
100200 Tete
125750 Tobias Molgaard Henriksen
126738 Tomas Alvarez
121461 Tomas Cerny
119857 Tomi Petrovic
109129 Tyler Roberts
102531 Ulisses Garcia
118191 Unai Nunez
104261 Uysal
59196 Valdes
110999 Valdez
47678 Van Beek
4699 Van Damme
30074 Van Den Berg
125525 Victor Mattos Cardozo
4072 Victor Valdes
60251 Vides
110409 Vivas
42651 Vydra
3889 Walter
58756 Walter Leandro Artune
101604 Walters
42271 Welinton
121269 Wendel
57391 Wendel Geraldo
119621 Winter
120968 Yahya Yusuf
126809 Yhojan Valbuena
120038 Yimy Gomez
126720 Youssouf Fofana
927 Zenden
59504 Zuber

Usage Notes:
– Requires English commentary to be installed and active ingame.
– This pack is an ‘All in One’. Always replace previous version with new.
– Designed for PES2019. Likely fine for 2018, 2017 and 2016 aswell.
– All new team/player callnames added to edit mode available for assignment to any player and unlicensed team.
– All additions added to licensed IDs as well to aid automatic assignment.
– Licensed teams can either use assigned callname or “Default” in edit mode. “Default” will use licensed ID callname.
– This pack also includes additional extra situational callname variety.

– Player Callnames:
1960 original + 4183 added
Total = 6143​
– Team Callnames:
1 Albania, 33 Argentina, 3 Austria, 8 Azerbaijan, 1 Belarus
17 Belgium, 3 Bosnia, 26 Brazil, 1 Bulgaria, 18 Chile
16 China, 20 Colombia, 11 Croatia, 1 Cyprus, 3 Czech
14 Denmark, 167 England, 1 Finland, 46 France, 108 Germany
4 Greece, 78 International, 18 Iran, 146 Italy, 4 Japan
1 Macedonia, 24 Malaysia, 19 Mexico, 1 Montenegro, 20 Netherlands
3 Northern Ireland, 1 Norway, 19 Poland, 42 Portugal, 2 Romania
20 Russia, 2 Saudi Arabia, 19 Scotland, 4 Serbia, 1 Slovakia
3 Slovenia, 153 Spain, 1 Sweden, 3 Switzerland, 19 Turkey
1 UAE, 2 Ukraine, 1 Venezuela, 5 Wales

Total = 1114​

PES 2019 English Commentary Callname Pack V3

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