PES 2017 SweetFX + ReShade dari The Gers

PES 2017 SweetFX + ReShade dari The Gers – Setelah SweetFX Real Colour (Baca : PES 2017 SweetFX Real Colours dari The Gers), The Gers kembali membuat SweetFX PES 2017 yang lain, yaitu SweetFX + ReShade.

Berikut fitur dan penampakannya
- More real color of the environment.
- More real color
- Almost real grass color tone
- Bloom activated for more realism
- Nearly real gamers skin tone Shadows darker
- Reflections of the sun
- Sweat in the players and when it rains the skin is wet, making the environment more real.
- Once you have downloaded the two files proceed to install ReShade_Setup_3.0.6, select the executable of your 2017 pes, select directx 9 and if you ask them to download some configurations they give you that if once done this we go to the next step.

PES 2017 SweetFX + ReShade dari The Gers

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