PES 2017 4K Selector V1.1
– Selector ini memliki dua fitur utama di PES 2017, yaitu Online enabler/Disabler
dan 4K Resolution changer. Untuk penjelasan lebih detail mengenai kedua fitur
tersebut, sob bisa lihat di bawah.
It enables/disables the
online mode. Useful for those of you that play mostly offline using different
mods by different patchmakers. Why useful? Because with Online disabled you
can't mess up the offline database because of the new "Online update"
function KONAMI implemented this year.
2. 4k Resolution
I have a 4k UHD Samsung
TV and i've tried the older Resolution Changer for PES16 and i failed to make
it run properly. Thus, i've decided to write my own piece of code on this
What it does exactly?
Upon pressing the 4k button on my selector, you'd be setup with the native 4k
Resolution (3840 x 2160). Careful! If you open Settings.exe, you need to rerun
this selector and activate again the 4k Resolution.