Cara Buat Scoreboard PES 2015 Sendiri

Cara Buat Scoreboard PES 2015 Sendiri – Pada postingan sebelumnya sudah dishare bagaimana cara membuat patch atau mod sendiri (Baca : Cara Buat Patch atau Mod untuk PES 2015 Sendiri), nah sekarang jika sob ingin mencoba membuat scoreboard PES 2015 sendiri, ini ada tutorial lengkapnya.

1. First we need to find the file licenceTexturePes.bin,then open it with PES FE,export the file tex002 with a picture file like .png(Yes,tex002,not tex001).Then edit the file with PS.You can change its size to 1024*128(this is ok,or other sizes as you want),after that,you can put your TV Logo into the picture.Important!Put the logo after the font '-'(hyphen),the distance you should control by yourself.Then shift the second and the third line font below(Don't forget shift the number 1 and 0 in the first line),still control the distance.All finished,save it as .dds file.
A preview of mine(I painted it with red to make it more clear for you to see):

Cara Buat Scoreboard PES 2015 Sendiri

2. The second step,import the dds file into licenceTexturePes.bin with cpk file manager v1.5 and save dt11.cpk.Extract cpk with cri packed file maker,find licenceTexturePes.bin,then export afp_licenceTexturePes.apk with PES FE.Drag .apk file into PES FE,save it,then find MatchPlate-texFont-hyphen and change its UV map to let the TV Logo included in the map.

After that,change the UV map of MatchPlate-texFont-digit9 to MatchPlate-texFont-digit0(make the map include all the numbers).Then,save apk as a new file(for example,afp_licenceTexturePes_1.apk).

Cara Buat Scoreboard PES 2015 Sendiri

Cara Buat Scoreboard PES 2015 Sendiri

Cara Buat Scoreboard PES 2015 Sendiri

3. The third step,open the afp_licenceTexturePes.apk and afp_licenceTexturePes_1.apk with hex editor(maybe a better editor with a more powerful compare function).Use the function 'comparison',find the difference of the two files.Then open the unzlibed licenceTexturePes.bin file with hex,search the Binary of the difference in afp_licenceTexturePes.apk,change them with that in afp_licenceTexturePes_1.apk save unzlibed licenceTexturePes.bin,zlib it,cpk last use the cpk,check it in the game.

Cara Buat Scoreboard PES 2015 Sendiri

Cara Buat Scoreboard PES 2015 Sendiri

LicenceTexturePes.bin :

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